unveil the marshes (2023)
Against the regime of invisibility of life in aquifers, the study of non-symbolic expressions and languages of more-than-human species comes into play to propose alternative imaginaries in the face of the crisis of the living.
In this installation, the agencies and interspecies exchange relationships at various scales are highlighted to indicate that the “fuel production” resulting from microbial activity is not generated for human consumption, diverting its purpose towards the transformations and expressions of other modes of existence, opening dialogues through techno-poetic gestures.
Articulating new relationships with life beyond the human involves focusing on circular, metabolic, dynamic, degradable, mutable, impermanent organizations: Unveiling the swamps to glimpse the technologies of nature.
Unveiling the Swamps is a project developed during a residency at the La Box Gallery of the School of Art in Bourges, France (ENSA). It was carried out within the framework of research on Synthetic Ecologies in the field of technological arts.
Unveil the Marshes: Studies of Other Time Scales is an audiovisual piece that showcases, through a “speculative timelapse,” the possible transformations of various parts of plant bodies found in the process of decomposition in the swamps of the town of Bourges, France. By altering the time and space scale used by plant beings in relation to human dimensions, processes are made visible that enable readings that challenge the notion of the individual by proposing actions of agencies of more-than-human communities.