Virtual Laboratory - Synthetic Ecologies: Neural Networks and Postnature (2022)

Can artificial intelligence contribute to the imagination and design of other worlds? As the boundaries between the human and the technological blur, new ideas emerge about what we understand as art and aesthetics. The relationships between the natural and the living—or non-living—become more complex.
Contemporary artistic practices begin to explore these questions from places where the human is not at the center. Thus, the aim of this meeting is to propose projects that consider nature technologies as a starting point to question the imaginaries we currently hold about the future of the planet.
Activity carried out at the Exploratorio: a public workshop for experimentation at Parque Explora, Medellín, Colombia.
Pumpumyachkan | New Media Production Lab (2022)
Support Program for the development and realization of 10 audiovisual creation projects with new media, proposed by individuals residing in Cajamarca, Piura, Trujillo, Huaraz, and Cusco, exploring themes related to territory, memory, and local cultures. These projects will be part of the program for the “tinkuy” in February 2023.
The support involves a series of workshops and assistance, both in-person and virtual, through 05 complementary modules, aiming to explore techniques and technologies such as 360 Video, Virtual Reality, Artificial Intelligence, interactive visuals, programming languages, sound exploration, among others. The goal is to create an audiovisual project for projection, VR lenses, audiovisual performance, video installation, among other formats.
This project is commissioned by in Peru.
Open Lab - EspacioLab (2022)

Open Lab / Laboratorio Abierto is an experimental and collaborative space in Rosario, Argentina, where individuals interested in electronic arts can come together and share experiences. It provides the necessary infrastructure and environment for developing their projects. During the meetings, theoretical and practical activities will be conducted to offer specific support for each selected proposal.
In this seventh edition, we will have the presence of Angel Salazar, who will deliver an open talk to the general public and provide remote support for any concerns that may arise during the participants’ work processes.
TecnoSimbiosis (2022)

This proposal from students and faculty of the Master’s in Technology and Aesthetics of Electronic Arts at the National University of Tres de Febrero presents various transdisciplinary dialogical perspectives that reflect on the affectations, interactions, and intimate associations woven through technology, art, territories, and situated practices. The projects featured in the exhibition are instances of research-creation that express ways of creating worlds in these post-pandemic times.
Exhibition in Pasaje 17 gallery. Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Latin American Artificial Intelligence Biennial (2022)

Creative Speculation & Future Fictions / AI Seeds Project
Panel discussion with participants from the Aerodynamics of Seeds project, an interdisciplinary investigation that embraces art, science, and speculative thinking to propose a contemporary cosmotécnica (Hui, 2020). This approach challenges the historical instrumentalization of nature through a profound reflection on the recognition of the non-human, our technologies, and our actions in the arts and sciences.
Latin American Artificial Intelligence Biennial BILIA 2022. Mexico City, Mexico.
Toda la Teoría del Universo: Eterno Retorno (2022)
Workshop on Postnatural Imaginaries
This workshop focuses on generating speculative visualizations related to the concept of “postnature” through the implementation of Generative Adversarial Networks or GANs, a type of artificial intelligence algorithm used in unsupervised learning. It involves using image databases to train a model. Subsequently, a 3D reconstruction will be created based on the generated images. The aim is to develop possible scenarios for new synthetic entities for our future coexistence, both in the digital realm and their potential translation into the physical world.
Future Fossils
#AudiovisualPerformance #Concert
Audiovisual performance based on predictions about the visual traces left by the Anthropocene, exploring possibilities of hybridization with machines and new bio-synthetic organisms. Using machine learning algorithms, we experiment with these potential imaginaries while incorporating techniques of sound synthesis and real-time audio sampling.
Proxemics: Relational Intersections (2020)
Proxemics studies spatial aspects in human relationships at the social and meaningful levels, investigating how space is structured, utilized, and perceived. The presented installative essays emerge from ongoing explorations.
The artworks are presented as producers of relational space-time, generating interhuman experiences and territories that propose possibilities for exchange. This opens up the opportunity to lead the viewer to an interstice, an uncomfortable place that can be interpreted as a limit or edge, where other territories overlap, and definitions become blurry.
Proxemics: Relational Intersections is the convergence of gazes and spatial territories that invite exploration of the uncertainties and new questions posed by these undefined zones.
Collective Exhibition at Panal 361 Space. Buenos Aires, Argentina.