Angel Salazar (1988) is a media artist who explores correlations between forms of expression of living entities and artificial systems through technological languages in contemporary art. His practice includes the development of audiovisual installations, data processing, digital fabrication techniques, bio-materialities, and the design of open-source devices. In his works, he addresses speculative narratives influenced by post-natural studies, futurologies, and political ecology.


His work has been showcased at venues such as the Ars Electronica Festival [AT], La Box Gallery – ENSA [FR], FACTO Festival [BR], Réplica Gallery [CL], Suratómica Festival [COL], Piksel Festival [NO], SIMULTAN Festival [RO], Toda la Teoría del Universo [CL], Casa Nacional del Bicentenario [ARG], among others. He is a member of the artistic collectives AISeeds Project, ASDS, and Cuencas del Tecnoceno. He is also a professor, researcher, and coordinator of the Master’s in Electronic Arts at UNTREF [ARG].
