unveil the marshes (2023)
Unveil the Marshes is a digital bioelectronic installation created from the study of microbial life in the marshes of Le Marais in Bourges, France. On one hand, a series of microscopic images of decomposing lichens found in the marshes is used to engage in a dialogue with a generative neural network (AI) that allows for speculative visualizations on how microbial agencies influence potential material transformations, altering their temporal and spatial scales as a kind of speculative time-lapse. At the same time, these visualizations are contrasted with the installation of a bioelectronic device (composed of microbial fuel cells, energy sensors, and digital processing) that use the detection of microbial activity in real time to drive their transformations.
Against the regime of invisibility of life in aquifers, the study of non-symbolic expressions and languages of more-than-human species comes into play to propose other imaginaries in the face of the crisis of the living. In this installation, the agencies and interspecies exchange relationships at various scales are brought to light to emphasize that the “energy production” resulting from microbial activity is not oriented toward human consumption, diverting its purpose toward the transformations and expressions of other modes of existence, opening dialogues through techno-poetic gestures.
Articulating new relationships with life beyond the human involves focusing on circular, metabolic, dynamic, degradable, mutable, impermanent organizations: Unveiling the marshes to glimpse the technologies of nature.
Unveil the Marshes is a project developed during a residency at La Box Gallery of the École Nationale Supérieure d’Art (ENSA) in Bourges, France.

Unveil the Marshes: Studies of Other Temporal Scales is an audiovisual piece that presents, in the form of a “speculative timelapse,” the potential transformations of various parts of plant bodies found in the process of decomposition in the marshes of Bourges, France. By altering the temporal and spatial scales used by plant beings in relation to human dimensions, processes become visible that enable interpretations challenging the notion of the individual, proposing instead actions driven by agencies of more-than-human communities.

2023 | La Chapelle – ENSA/Bourges [FR]
Year: 2023
Technical Assistance: Hugo Bonnet-Massip, Mose Sironneau, Demien Chaillou, Liam Voisin, Jessie Morin
Camera: Demien Chaillou
Voice-over: Cassandre Villautreix
Special thanks: Erik Bullot, Sandra Emonet, Krystel Cosqueric, Chloé Nicolas, Veronique Frejabue, Leo Nuñez